Co-design in Aotearoa – Ways of Being, Knowing, Doing at IPANZ conference
IPANZ Conference, 7-9th July 2021
This online symposium Co-design in Aotearoa “ways of being, knowing and doing” examined the capabilities and conditions needed to undertake co-design authentically in the public sector, alongside communities and tangata whenua. It explored the benefits of co-design as a way of working together, as well as the values, practical skills and mindsets that underpin such an approach. We focused on building empowering relationships, how the public service can work in a new way with tangata whenua and communities and the importance and realities of sharing power. Each Day explored a particular perspective: Day One: The Value of this Mahi; Day Two: Relationships, Powersharing and Tensions; Day Three: A Gaze on Government
This symposium was hosted as a collaboration between IPANZ, The Lab, Tuakana Teina, Ngā Aho and Allen & Clarke.
Conference programme
Visual Summaries

Symposium Reflection Tool