Whanau-led Systems Innovation for Thriving Futures in Papakura

TSI has partnered with Papakura Marae to support the establishment of He Whānau Whānui o Papakura (HWWoP), a group of whānau residing  in or connected to Papakura who are leading an innovation process focused on thriving futures for tamariki.

The HWWoP roopu is currently being supported to design and lead the development of local prototypes that are strengths based, values-led approaches to supporting whānau raising young tamariki in Papakura.

This whānau-led innovation process is embedded alongside wider multi-agency work happening at Papakura Marae, in collaboration with the South Auckland Social Wellbeing Board. Together, we are developing approaches that take us beyond a focus on early intervention and crisis services, providing concrete examples for how we can strengthen parent to parent supports and whānau aspirations, and ultimately enable tamariki to thrive.

Critical insights on what matters and makes the difference for whanau raising young tamariki

HWWoP has developed deep insights on what matters and makes the difference to whānau. Two of the insights prioritised by whānau have underpinned the development of prototypes for innovative local responses for supporting lifelong outcomes for whānau and tamariki in Papakura, that take us beyond existing service and programmatic approaches.

A key feature of our practice is to hold the lived experience of our whānau at the centre of the innovation process, and to focus on what whānau tells us matters. This enables us to work together to identify the most powerful opportunities for change and often highlights a critical gap between what whānau say matters to them and what our current service system is geared towards providing.